more furious

美 [mɔːr ˈfjʊriəs]英 [mɔː(r) ˈfjʊəriəs]
  • adj.激烈的;高速的;盛怒的;狂怒的;暴怒的;猛烈的
  • furious的比较级
more furiousmore furious
  1. Our country has entered WTO , the more furious competition of the new round is inevitable .


  2. China is going to enter the WTO . This means that Chinese enterprises will have to face the prospect of broader markets and more furious international competitions .


  3. My going there right after you did only made him more furious .


  4. Along with the more furious global competition , the competition between enterprises has translated into competition between supply chains .


  5. Exceptionally , in recently years , many foreign-funded English training companies entered the market , resulting in more furious competition .


  6. Accompanying with the economic globalization , an increasing number of international products crowd into domestic market , which causes more furious competition .


  7. Chinese motorcycle enterprises are faced with the direct competition from the foreign motorcycle enterprises , which makes the competition in the industry more furious ;


  8. Upon hearing this , Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother .


  9. With the development of society , competitions of talents will be more furious and furious , especially in the IT industry which is a fast growing industry .


  10. With the development of the new economy and the trends of more furious competition between economies , the innovation has become a vital factor to the success of regional development .


  11. National publication will be pushed forward to the market and confronted with a more furious competition in the large - scale developmen of the western regions .


  12. A tempest , more furious than the one which had formerly driven him to Arras , broke loose within him .


  13. After entering the WTO , the competition is much more furious . With China affiliated with WTO , manufacturing corporations are faced with much more furious market competition .


  14. Maggie : Absolutely , I 'm furious ... but no more furious at him than I 've been a dozen times before .


  15. Facing the competition which is more furious day by day , how to reduce the lost caused by redundant transportation ability while still keeps the present market share becomes a hot research target for every airline .


  16. Since the reshuffle in China cell phone industry intensified in 2007 , there has been a new round of industry optimization . With the release of 3G licence , cell phone market competition will become more furious .


  17. With China ' accession into WTO , the step of opening financial market has speeded up apparently . And the financial system and environment are confronting profound changes ; competitions among local finance have become more furious .


  18. Nowadays , Chinese business enterprises affront more furious market competition and fierce knowledge-based economy ages after entering into WTO . The key of success or failure of the business enterprise is the quantity and the level of the human resource that it own .


  19. With the greater importance of retailing corporation and the more furious competition day by day , how to manage the retailing corporations in the direction of customer value has became a hot topic of common concern for the theory circles and the corporations .


  20. After joining WTO , the integration of water conservancy construction at home and abroad becomes inevitable trend . The strong corporation of abroad would come into the water conservancy construction market at home gradually . The competition is unavoidable , and the competition would become more furious .


  21. Bob became more and more furious


  22. With development of socialist economy , competition among ports is more and more furious .


  23. So the argument about labour standard is becoming more and more furious in the international society .


  24. With the development of tourism industry , the competition between tourism destinations have become more and more furious .


  25. With the development of world economy , and on the background of the financial crisis , the competition among the agricultural products in the international market is more and more furious .


  26. There is no doubt that the competition of mobile telecommunication market will become more and more furious when 3G ( 3rd . Generation ) network service comes .


  27. Since entered WTO , more and more furious market competition makes Chinese enterprises aware that purchasing management what used to be ignored can also be an important instrument to compete .


  28. With the continuous development of the market economy , the competition becomes more and more furious , which present wholly new demands for integrated qualities in person with art designing ability .


  29. The advent of the era of globalization has been brought great changes to the human society . One distinct character is that the national competition has become more and more furious .


  30. As our country enters into WTO and foreign enterprises are permitted to enter into medicine logistics industry , domestic medicine logistics enterprises will suffer from more and more furious competition .
